How to Extract Data from PDF Bank Statements

Learn how to extract data from PDF bank statements quickly using Parsio's AI-powered parser. Save time and avoid manual errors. Export data to CSV, Excel, and more.

How to Extract Data from PDF Bank Statements

Introduction: Why Extract Data from PDF Bank Statements?

Bank statements contain valuable information. They help you track your spending, manage budgets, and file taxes. However, if your bank sends statements in PDF format, extracting that data can be a challenge. PDFs are great for viewing documents, but they aren’t ideal for accessing data directly.

If you're tired of manually entering data from your PDF bank statements, there's a better way. Automated tools like Parsio can help you extract data quickly and accurately, reducing the risk of errors and saving you time. In this article, we'll explain how you can extract data from PDF bank statements efficiently.

What is a Bank Statement?

A bank statement is a document provided by your bank that shows your account activity over a specific period, typically monthly. It includes deposits, withdrawals, payments, and transfers. Bank statements also show your account balance at the beginning and end of the period.

Bank statements are essential for:

  • Tracking expenses: Keep an eye on your spending and savings.
  • Managing budgets: Make sure you stay within your budget.
  • Filing taxes: Gather financial data for tax preparation.

If you're a business owner or need to handle large amounts of financial data, extracting this information from PDF bank statements manually can be time-consuming and prone to mistakes.

Example of a bank statement

Challenges of Extracting Data from PDF Bank Statements

Extracting data from PDF bank statements can be difficult. Here are a few reasons why:

PDFs Aren't Editable

PDFs are designed for displaying information, not for easy data extraction. Copy-pasting data from a PDF into a spreadsheet is not only slow but can also lead to errors in formatting.

Manual Data Entry is Error-Prone

When manually entering data, you might accidentally miss numbers or enter incorrect amounts. For businesses, this can lead to financial discrepancies.

Different Formats

Not all bank statements look the same. Each bank has its own way of formatting transactions. Some list withdrawals first, while others may show deposits. These inconsistencies make it hard to standardize the extraction process manually.

Methods to Extract Data from PDF Bank Statements

There are a few ways to extract data from PDF bank statements. Let’s compare the most common methods:

Manual Copy-Paste

The most basic way to extract data is by manually copying the data from the PDF and pasting it into a spreadsheet. While this method is free, it's slow and prone to errors. This process also doesn’t work well when the data is spread across multiple pages.

Using Free PDF Converters

Several online tools allow you to convert PDFs into editable formats like Excel or CSV. However, these tools often struggle with formatting issues. When you upload your statement to a converter, the resulting file may contain misaligned columns, making it hard to read or use. Additionally, uploading sensitive financial data to online tools might pose privacy concerns.

Automated Data Extraction with Parsio

For the fastest and most accurate solution, automated data extraction tools are the best option. Parsio offers a simple and reliable way to extract structured data from PDF bank statements, eliminating manual errors and speeding up the process.

Parsio uses AI-powered PDF parsing to automatically detect key data points in your bank statements and convert them into structured formats like CSV, Excel, JSON, and more. With Parsio, you can process multiple PDFs in bulk and even automate the extraction process.

How to Use Parsio to Extract Data from PDF Bank Statements

Follow these steps to start extracting data from your bank statements using Parsio:

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Create a New Inbox

Sign up for Parsio and create a new inbox. This inbox will be where you upload your PDF bank statements.

Create an inbox with the AI-powered parsing engine

2. Choose the AI-Powered PDF Parser

In Parsio, select the AI-powered PDF parser. From the available options, choose the pre-trained Bank Statements AI model.

Select the "Bank statements" pre-trained AI model

3. Upload Your Documents

You can upload your PDF bank statements manually or send them via email. If you need to automate the process, you can use the API or automation tools like Zapier or Make. This is especially useful if you have recurring statements to process.

Upload your bank statements

4. Automated Data Extraction

Once the documents are uploaded, Parsio will automatically extract structured data. This includes transaction dates, amounts, and descriptions. Parsio ensures accuracy, even if the statements are formatted differently.

Parsio automatically extracts all the available information

5. Export the Data

Parsio lets you export the extracted data in multiple formats, including CSV, Excel, JSON, or directly to Google Sheets. You can also connect Parsio to accounting software or export the data to over 6000 apps using Zapier or Make.

Connect Parsio to 6000+ apps

With Parsio, you can streamline your financial workflow and avoid the hassle of manual data entry.

Benefits of Using Parsio for Data Extraction

Speed and Accuracy

Parsio extracts data from bank statements in seconds, and with its AI model specifically trained for bank statements, it ensures high accuracy.


By integrating Parsio with tools like Zapier or Make, you can automate the extraction process. This means you can set it up once and let it handle recurring tasks, like monthly statements.


Your financial data is sensitive. Parsio ensures that all data is securely processed and stored. You don’t have to worry about privacy breaches.


Parsio easily integrates with your existing tools. Whether you use Google Sheets, QuickBooks, or other software, Parsio connects with over 6,000 apps, making it a powerful solution for automating your financial data workflow.

Common Use Cases for Extracted Data

Personal Finance

Extracting data from your bank statements helps you track income, expenses, and savings. With Parsio, you can quickly pull transaction data into a spreadsheet for easy analysis.

Business Accounting

For businesses, accurate financial data is crucial for bookkeeping and reporting. Using Parsio, you can automate the extraction of data from multiple accounts and send it directly to your accounting software.

Financial Reporting

With Parsio, you can export extracted data to tools like Google Sheets or Excel, making it easy to generate reports and track spending trends over time.

For more on automating financial data processes, check out our article on extracting data from financial statements.

Conclusion: Simplify Your Workflow with Parsio

Extracting data from PDF bank statements no longer needs to be a tedious, manual task. With Parsio, you can automate the entire process and integrate it into your existing tools. Whether you’re managing personal finances or running a business, Parsio ensures speed, accuracy, and security.

Sign up for Parsio today to make your financial data extraction fast and simple.

Extract valuable data from emails and attachments

Stay parsed with Parsio


Q: Can I use Parsio for bulk uploads?
A: Yes, Parsio supports bulk uploads of PDFs for faster processing.

Q: What output formats does Parsio support?
A: Parsio exports data in CSV, Excel, JSON, and Google Sheets, among others.

Q: Can I integrate Parsio with my accounting software?
A: Yes, Parsio connects with over 6,000 apps, including popular accounting software.

Q: Is my financial data safe with Parsio?
A: Yes, Parsio takes data security seriously and ensures your information is protected.

For more on data extraction automation, check out our article on automated data extraction from PDFs.